Three, 14-21, dead after dental visits

                 The Deadly Dentists

     Ben Ellis, Marcellous Robinson and Jerry Coleman are dead after having their wisdom teeth extracted.  Now, their families are left heartbroken and grief stricken.  The three died in separate incidents 16 hours to three days after their procedures.
     The article details how we can try to prevent this from happening again.

  • Make sure if you (or your child) are having wisdom teeth extracted, you're using an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, not just a dentist.
  •  Schedule a consultation appointment where the risks and benefits are thoroughly explained to you by the surgeon and/or one of their staff members.
  •  Ask if there are specific risks in this case.  For example: Are your teeth close to nerves or sinus cavities?
  •  You should not feel rushed nor feel that the surgeon has no time for your questions.
  •  Get another opinion if the surgeon is brusque, rude or seems distracted.
  •  Check for complaints against your surgeon by contacting the Georgia State Dental Board. They keep lists on dentists with complaints and lawsuits against them.
  • Also, make sure you know your children's allergies to medications.
  The  horror stories of these young men took place in 2012 but remains relevant today.  The tips discussed here should  be used with any and all doctors visits.


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