By now, we've heard of the runner, Mikal Ekvall, that poooped himself to finish his half marathon. He finished 21st
Let me say first that I respect him and applaud his finish. Afterall, the slogan is "Finish Strong". No one said you have to finish clean !😂😂😂
    To those that don't know of him, you have question.  Why did this happen? and How can I prevent this from happening to me? Well, Holy Crap! I got info for you. 
     First, if you have any abdominal ailments such as Irritable Bowel Syndrsome or  Chron's Disease, these may be triggers while running. According to, TheMayo Clinic, some other possible cause may include: movement of the organs, decreased blood flow to the intestines, changes in the intestinal hormone secretion and preface anxiety or stress.  As with anything, get a physical beforehand.  

  •      After, you have been medically cleared to run, Prep! Prep! Prep! Yes, preparation is key in not having a "shifty" day! 😂😂😂 What do the experts at the, "Mayo Clinic" suggest?
  • Limit or avoid high fiber gas producing foods such as beans, onions and some vegetables.
  • At least one day before , eliminate sweeteners called free alcohols- sugar-free candy, gum and ice cream. 😱
  • Three- six hours per race Limit or avoid caffeine and high fat foods.
  • 2 hours before race Try not to eat anything at all! 
  • Avoid warm liquids as they may gobthru the intestine quickly
  • If lactose intolerant, switch to lactose free or reduced milk and milk products.
     Newbies and experienced runner should always prepare before race by trying new  liquids, foods or gels.  Never try anything new on race day including clothes or sneakers. That is race CODE NUMBER 999563231!! You just can't. 

Remember before any exercise, always see a doctor! 
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