Slave Trade in the classroom: Creativity or Bust?


 While a teacher was absent from a NJ elementary school, the substitute teacher continued the lesson plan with a huge FAIL! Or did she??
     An African American fifth grader was sold in an auction by white students in her class.  This was a mock slave trade.  Allegedly, cash only posters were hung up.  Whoa! Needless to say, parents are fuming.
     This story opens my mind to the great educational drbate, W. E. Dubois vs. Booker T. Washington".     Booker T. Washington was born a slave but became a very prominent historical educator.  He founded the Tuskeegee Institute to educate teachers. Washington believed blacks should accept discrimination, work hard and gain material prosperity.  On the other hand, W. E. Dubois, decorated sociologist and civil rights activist, disagreed with Mr. Washington.  Dubois is a founding officer of the NAACP. He believed change would come thru education.  In other words, one believed in learning by doing and the other was more classroom based.
    Now, how do most children/people learn? Is it hands on or sitting in one spot and absorbing information.  In my opinion, children and adults learn and grasp information when there is a "shock" factor.  This leads to better retention.  Now, this project is upsetting to many people. Slavery is a sensitive matter. But, it needs to be taught.  Like it or not it is our history. It is and forever will be a reality for all of us not just those that experienced it first hand.  Its a very hurtful time period.
      Every time the "nigger" is used, part of our past is recreated.  There is no such thing as desensitizing this word.  To desensitize that word is to make our history seem bleak.  This rattles my nerves every time  I hear a well known rapper discuss the use of this word.
     Should parents be upset? Perhaps. What is the difference between watching it on television and bringing it to life in the classroom? NEWSFLASH!! A reenactment on TV is the same as a reenactment in the classroom only there's no pay.
I know Maplewood, NJ.  Many believe a lot of racism exists in this town.  There is still a social/racial divide in this as well as many other American cities.  I strongly believe this is why many parents as well as educators are upset.  I commend the district for its apology.       Stop covering up slavery and American history.  I was in a fifth grade play called "Oliver Twist".  I walked away feeling as if all orphans were treated miserably and something needed to be done.  A lesson was taught whether in the classroom or via TV it needed to be taught. We all know the philosophy of history, it repeats itself.

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