Bird Flu found in Tyson Chicken Supplier!

A Tennessee Tyson chicken supplier had to confiscate 73,500 chickens due to Bird Flu according to the associated press.
    Bird flu comes from sick birds and can be passed to humans thru airborne droplets such as a cough or sneeze. It does require medical attattent as soon as possible as it could be potentially deadly for humans.  It is treated with antiviral drugs.  Signs and symptoms are similar to having a cold/flu:  Cough, fever and sore throat.  Lab tests are required for diagnosis.

What's surprising is there was a recent outbreak in China of the Bird Flu, 460 people have been infected since October according to the CDC(Center for Disease cntrol). The CDC is currently working or vaccination as precaution.(NBC news March 3, 2017)

Mayo Clinic
NBC news
ABC news


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