Men do not know their women!

Blinded by a big butt, big breasts or a beautiful face, men could care less if she is a stripper or a doctor. Why am I saying this? I see it too often.  Youbmeet a woman, she's fascinating and gorgrous. So, you take her out to dinner or maybe even a few dates.  Now, you're romantically involved and sex is the 💣!   Then, it's business as usual.  You both go off to your jobs. You're really a hardworking man that really wants the relationship to evolve.  So, the dates continue and so does the hanky panky! You may be smitten.
     But, mom is not feeling her. There is something about her that's just not right. Uh oh, here comes the momstigator!! She delves in and starts asking all kinds of question. But, you assure her you have a good girl.  She's just as hardworking and trustworthy as you? Or is she?
    Next, you start talking to some friends about some small things that are going on and you need a little advice.  You're friends start talking like your mother. They do trust her either. They have a few beliefs about her that you are not happy with.  You think she has a job on Broadway, he thinks she's a call girl😂😂.  You defend her.  He just jealous. Oh but is he? Could his thoughts be substantial? They really could be.  Let's. Be honest.  There are women that are raised a certain way and that is to have a man take care of them.  They know they are beautiful. Heck, they are told everyday.  Maybe men just give them things in the beginning just because.  Lo and behold she develops the notion, she doesn't have to work.  After all, her family history doesn't include hardworking individuals.  You know this.  You still think what your friends and family think is HOGWASH! A year becomes 3 and so on. By this time, your relationship has some turbulence.  Your friend by this time sends you a picture of her out on a date with another man. Do you believe them now?! No, by now you're pussy whipped! You're entranced and still don't  know your woman.  Men, whether you like it or not, this is how you become prey.  You don't investigate so to speak.  Yes, there should be some inquiry early on in the relationship.  There are signals.  Take Heed.  Does she really have a 9 to 5? If so what and where? These women are out here hustling by any means.  My advisce, sleep with one eye open. While your "sleeping", she working (that booty)!


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