Why don't I talk about Trump? It's for obvious reason, EVERYONE is talking about him. Most of it is negative. Many disapprove of him and a hashtag, #notmypresident, is spreading like a pandemic virus. Despite popular belief, he is our President. Like it or not, he is. It is scary as hell but we have to deal with it and possibly for the next four years. Hush, don't even mention eight. Trump wants to dismantle everything that Obama has put into order. Everything is Obama's fault. Why is he so obsessed with our former President? Anyway, I don't talk about him because I had to accept the fact that he is President of the US of America. He is doing a great job at berating himself that I don't need to. Furthermore, it is disrespectful. Yes, I said it. Many will say with all the hatred he has spewed, he deserves to be disrespected. Well, in other countries such as North Korea, you could be murde...
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