Are your Hands causing death? You may be. Hepatitis A Breakout

Are Your Hands Causing Death?
     Runners love their volunteers but what exactly are they giving you? Is that fruit really healthy or is it contaminated?  Or better yet, when you eat out, is everyone cleansing their hands properly? Your answer should be Yes to both of these questions because if not,  you are putting your life and the lives of your family and friends  at a huge risk for illness or maybe even death.
     I’m sure many of you have already heard of Hepatitis C.  Hepatitis C is a chronic disease of the liver.  But, what is Hepatitis A?  According to the WHO (World Health Organization), Hep A is a viral liver disease that is closely associated with unsafe water or food contaminated), inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene.
     This is scary because as a runner, we rely on our volunteers.  Many of them are standing out there for hours, passing out food.  Some use the porta -a-potty just as the runners.  This makes one think about how effectively are they washing their hands.  Hep A though not as chronic as Hep B or C, is contagious and has a tendency to spread rapidly.  Transmission is through fecal-oral route.  In layman’s terms, someone still has poop on their hands and it is contaminated.  The contaminated person does not properly was her hand and BAM! You ate the fruit, Eve!  You too Adam. 
·      As with most disease/illness, there is an incubation period. This could be from 2weeeks to one month.
·      Fever and malaise
·      Loss of appetite, stomach upset and/or nausea
·      Dark urine, jaundice (yellow skin or eyes)
Who is at risk?
·      Recreational drug users
·      Those in areas lacking clean water and poor sanitation
·      People in close contact with a contaminated person
·      Travelling to areas that have a high number of people with the illness
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosis can be though bloodwork.  Ideally, there is no hospitalization unless there the disease is acute.  Let the illness run its course.  Don’t take any medication to stop the diarrhea.   Hydration is paramount.  If unable to take in any nutrients, seek medical attention.  Prevention is best for this illness.
Handwashing should be done PROPERLY at all times, especially when handling food.  There is a vaccine available.
Current News
     There is an outbreak in San Diego California.  There have been 400 cases reported and 16 deaths! 
Please be careful!  If you notice any symptoms above, seek medical attention for diagnosis.

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