Living your Life after Vegas! #livelovelaugh

              Living your Life after Vegas

     We've all read about what happened in Las Vegas, Nevada.   It is horrific.  Yes, we can't deny that fact.   My plea to you is stop watching this story.  Why am I saying this? You're getting fixated on what happened.  Is that wrong.  It very well can be.  You are putting yourself at risk of sending yourself into a deep depression or a nervous breakdown.  Perseverating over this story bad for your mentality.   Give yourself a break.  Watch it once.  Get outside spread some love.  Say hello to your neighbors. That is why we are here.  There must be evil to drive us closer to each other.  Evil is like a fire that can not be put out with WATER.  But, the two are synonymous.  Fire requires oxygen in order to get bigger.  Without oxygen it will extinguish.  DON'T breathe life into it let's extinquish it.  Let's suffocate it.  Let's add some detergent to it.  We are the cleaning agents, putting out fires before they become widespread.   My heart goes out to those that have lost their lives and their families.  I will keep them in my prayers as well as the rest of the human race. 
     Watch it to keep abreast of what is going on.  Console FAMILY AND FRIENDS.  Embrace our community at large!! Allow yourself to feel the sorrow.  Do not let it encapsulate you.  Keep your sanity.  We must keep going and growing in life, love and laughter.


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