Short Tale Sunday: Micah's Honor

Micah”s Honors

     Only eight years old but Micah is a brave soul.  She is good at taking matters into her own hands. But then she is eight and totally aloof to life’s dangers.

A Glorious Morning
  It’s 6:30 am and Micha is wide awake lying in bed.  She is not sleeping, just waiting for Mom’s morning call.  As soon as mom, Kia, walked into the room, Micah pranced out of bed.  She ran to mom, gave her a hug and said, “I can’t wait to see if I’ll get an award today”!  Kia just gazed and smiled at her little girl and replied, “Oh my prodigy child, I am so sorry I can’t be there but I can’t wait to see them”. Looking confused, Micah ran to get her dictionary to look up the word prodigy.  “Mom, don’t worry I will bring it home and tell you all about it”.  Micah hurried to get ready for school and waited patiently to mom to finished getting ready for work.  She was downstairs lying in front of the door with her head propped up on her book bad as if it was a pillow.  Kia could do nothing but laughed at her daughter’s excitement.  Out the door they went. 
Classroom Antics

     Micah made to class.  She hugged her teacher then proceeded to her seat.  As the teacher went over the lesson plan for the day, Micah only had one thing on her mind.  She raised her hand.  Mrs. Jones already knew what Micah’s question would be so she answered.  The award ceremony will be at 10:00 am.  Mrs. Jones was sure to note anyone acting out would not be allowed to attend the ceremony.  Micah had to be at that ceremony so she was sure to be on her best behavior.  She read her assignments, answered all the questions and turned it in briefly.  She was the first to finish.  Her teacher gave her the math homework early.  “Micah what is going on”?  “You’re first, you rarely do that”! Micah says, “I want to be present for my award, you don’t know Mrs. Jones”.  Everyone started snickering and turning in their assignments as well.  Finally, Mrs. Jones said, “Line up everyone”.  Micah rushed to be the first person in line.  Sadly, she wasn’t fast enough.  But, it was her best friend Kayla that was first so Micah didn’t mind. Mrs. Jones warned everyone to be on their best behavior while in the halls that meant no talking or pushing.  Micah was talking a bit much.  Suddenly, Mrs. Jones said, “Micah enough or you will sit in the Principal’s office”.  “Don’t even feel the fire, Mrs. Jones, I have to be there Mrs. Jones gave her final stern warning, “No more talking”. 
The Ceremony
She made it. Micah took her seat in the auditorium and waited patiently as it filled with all the students and teachers. Finally, the Principal took the stage to congratulate all the honorees and began calling out names for the awards.  “Best Attendance”, Micah’s name was called.  “Honor Roll”, Micah”s name was called. The final award was “Student of the Month. To Micah”s surprise, she was called for this award as well.  What a big day for Micah.  She only expected to get one award and ended up with three.  Micah was ecstatic and very proud.  She couldn’t wait to take them home to show her mom.

The Big Disappointment
        Micah wore all her beautiful ribbon pinned to her dress.  It was now time to go home.  Micah was walking to meet her mom’s friend, Jalissa, just outside the school.  Jalissa picked Micah up every afternoon.  Today, Jalissa hadn’t arrived on time.  While Micah waited, she noticed a tall boy running fast towards her.  She also felt a tug at her dress.  She looked down and noticed he had taken one of her ribbons.  Micah, cried at first but quickly gathered her composure.  She decided she was not going to let that big boy get away with her award.  She went looking for him.  She found him, sitting on a porch across the street from the school.  She yelled out, “I’m going to tell on you, you stole my award”.  Quickly the tears came streaming down her face.  The boy felt badly.  He then, crossed the street and returned Micah’s award and even apologized.  Micah was so happy.  She skipped off, back to where she was to meet Jalissa.  Jalissa was there and little Micah acted as if nothing happened.  She went home where she got to tell her mom about her big day

The end


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