My Oxymoronic Addiction that many of us share!

                                           My Oxymoronic Addiction

     I like to think of myself as a strong willed person.  I constantly find myself in a reckless, confused and weak state.  How and why do I constantly fall victim to a can of soda?  I'm not sure if it's the fizz, caffeine or great taste that has me in a tangled mess!
     For one, it is loaded with sugar.  Could this be the reason I'm struggling with my weight? Secondly,  it contains caffeine which is known to be addictive, leads to an irregular heartbeat and terrible headaches.  Lastly, it contains caramel color of which studies have linked it to cancer.  Caramel color is only used for aesthetic reasons in soda.  The color is allegedly appealing to the eye. Well it is downright appalling.  What's packed in this can is potentionally harming me and I hate it for that.  Studies report that soda containing less than 29 micrograms may not be harmful.  Knowing that soda can lead to a horrible death, one would think this health risk would cause or deduce one's cravings almost instantly.  I'm almost positive I would be a much better runner if I could 🔴.  But wait, wouldn't it be easier if these soda companies just stop using the color? Siiiigh....
More information on caramel color can be found here.

As usual, let me know what you think.   I welcome all comments.  Please follow my blog.


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