Anger is an emotion.  At some point,  everyone will feel this way. No one is exempt.  It's how you cope or deal with the anger that sets you apart from all others.  
     Last week, I ordered a Jersey from an online store.  Then, I received an email stating my product had been delivered.  NO ONE informed me that the post office delivered invisible packages.   So, quite naturally,  I was upset.  I called to find out where the package was.  They responded with the unusual, "We will do an investigation and let you know".  Needless to say, they claimed to have put it in my mailbox (the one that requires a key). Now, I hate to say this BUT somebody is not being truthful and it is not ME!
     Next step was to call the store itself to inform them of the matter at hand. OMG! They no longer have my product in stock!!😡😡😡  Anger Mode!!!  SMH.  Pay for Jersey,  JERSEY STOLEN and now, there are no more in stock. This suuuuucks.  But, the good thing is I get my money back.  
     Ok, This happens pretty frequently 
 I get it.  Out of the darkness comes light.  MORAL OF THE STORY IS: YOU CAN NOT WORRY ABOUT THE THINGS YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. Being angry is ok. Expressing that you are angry is ok.  Keeping turmoil locked up is not ok. This leads to stress. I am a firm believer that stress is the biggest homicidal maniac ever.  It is know to cause heart attacks and cancer.
     While I don't advocate violence, I do think it is permissible to show human emotion.  Happy and sad/depressed are not the only two emotions we have.  I'm not saying slander someone, threatening someone or murdering someone is 👍.   NO WAY! Anger should be used to evoke positivity.  Ignite that spark within, as long as it foesnt break any laws or cause harm to you or someone else.  Speak up for your rights.  Or, take a knee.  Whatever helps you deal with your anger that does not include a violation of someone else's rights , do it.  Don't expose all your personal matters online but a simple, I am mad is harmless.  


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