The Reason Hilary Clinton is not President.


     First, let me address what I mean by minority women. If, you are not ANGLO-AXON, blonde haired blue- eyed white, I am speaking to you. 

     This Cam Newton incident really has me perturbed.  I watched Trump degrade women on national TV and was elected President of the US.  Howbehavior Trump's behavior is indicative of how many other men act.  But why is this happening.  Trump knows like I know, women throw value out the window when penis and money come into play.  Cam Newton is being destroyed due to the fact that he said, "I'm surprised a woman is asking me...".  This is ludicrous. Stop jumping on that bandwagon and learn to think independently.    This overly sensitive nature is the exact reason why Hillary Clinton is not President. 
     I am infuriated at the fact that this is being blown out of proportion knowing that if Cam came to any of the complaining woman, most would drop their panties and accept what he was saying. Although,  this is America's history as well.  Women have led to many men downfall look at the Black Wall Street.  It is ingrained and is indeed the "fabric of our lives".     How quickly we forget. 

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