Best advice EVER from a Psychologist! st

     Best Advice  From a Psychologist 

    Siiiiiigh.  It's time for class!  I don't want to gooooo.  I fought! I tried talking myself out of going that night but no matter how many excuses I could come up with, they didn't make sense. Why? No, they weren't whimsical like, a bicyclist ran over my foot and blah blah blah.  The fact remained I was already out of the house. So, I got out of the car, dragging my feet, stomping up the stairs but I was present. Yaaay.

      As soon as I walked in, the professor was standing at the door welcoming everyone.  Needless to say, I was the last one in, so he shut the door behind me.  Guess what? I woke up.  Um hmmm.  The energy in the room was so jovial, I had no choice but to wake up.

      The Professor started his lecture right away.  His words were, "Get yourself an eclectic friend and you will never need a psychologist"  WHOA!  I never imagined hearing this from a Psychologist.   According to Meriam Webster dictionary, eclectic is defined as composed of elements drawn from various sources.  I know I sound cliché but variety is the spice of life.  By now, I'm intrigued with class.  I was amazed at the pprofessor's honesty. 
    Why is this great advice.   Simply put you don't need someone that thinks the same as you.  You need someone with a broadened mind.  They have a different way of looking at things. In other words when your vision in clouded by some atrocities occurring in your life, that eclectic friend is the sun shower. Sunshower?
Yes, that is correct.  They won't have all the answers.  Things they say to you may irk the  HECK out of you but there is still some sunshine there.  A true friend is not supposed to agree with everything you say and do.  If they do then the painstaking question is, what are they there for?Find that friend that is different by: culture, race, style or education. but shares some commonalities. 

     Lastly, embrace that eclectic friend.  Don't fear him or her. Don't let envy drive a wedge between you.  Trust me. Your eclectic friend will be better than you at something or maybe even many more things.   Respect that and Embrace it.  All that I have expressed here is in my opinion.  While reading this always remember, we can't resolve all our problems ourselves with eclectic friends or not.  If anyone expresses they want to commit suicide or homicide, please report it.  

     As with anything you read on the internet, nothing is written in stone. 
Let me know what you think! Do you have an eclectic friend? What have you learned?  Don't forget to follow my blog!💖


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