
So, you think you are raising a respectful child? Think again!

SO, You think you are raising a respectful child?  THINK AGAIN      I recently took a break from nursing and started substitute teaching.  I mean why not, I love children.  Hunty!! Listen, Get yo Chile! Get some tea while you are at it and sit down because we need to chat! I went into a first grade class room feeling like these are the ones I would have a greater impact on.  They are corrigable at this age right? RIGHT??  🤤🤤🤤      The day started out well.  I was able to follow the curriculum somewhat.  By noon, I swore they were sundowning.😁😁. They would not listen for NOTHING!  Most adults would say... "They are six and seven year olds".  This is true.  However, times are a changing.  I will tell you why.      I used to be afraid for any adult to call my parents because there was sure to be some type of reprimand.  When my parents said, "Close your mouth when adults are speaking", they meant it.  Something about that village, it kept children in line! T

The Goriness behind the Rose!

The Goriness behind the Rose      Women love roses.  They are beautiful and smell equally as nice.  The 🌹 today represents love and friendship.  But, do you know what the rose was initially used for? Ladies beware.  If you see a man with a 🌹 tattoo, WATCH OUT! It could have a different meaning that what you perceive.  You may see it and think how sweet! But it could mean he is sentenced to death.  Chances are this is not true today but in the 16th century, men who were sentenced to death were branded with a rose tattoo.  Whoa!   Comment Below! ❤🌷


A New App That Helps Treat Substance Abuse The reSET is an app that is NEWLY approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).      The Purpose of the app is to help treat alcohol,cocaine, marajuana and stimulant medications.  The app is NOT intended for OPIOID dependence.  It is intended to deliver behavioral therapy that will lead a person to abstain from substance abuse and encourage an increase in outpatient therapy. "The Reset device is indicated as a prescription-only adjunct treatment for patients with SUD who are not currently on opioid replacement therapy, who do not abuse alcohol solely, or whose primary substance of abuse is not opioids." (FDA 2017)      In a 12 week clinical trial including 400 people that used the app, 40.3 abstained from alcohol, cocaine, marajuana or stimulant medications. In my opinion, I am very optimistic about the reSET app.  Many use digital technology to get motivation. I use the NIKE app  Apps have the ability t


ANGER ON THE NET       Anger is an emotion.  At some point,  everyone will feel this way. No one is exempt.  It's how you cope or deal with the anger that sets you apart from all others.        Last week, I ordered a Jersey from an online store.  Then, I received an email stating my product had been delivered.  NO ONE informed me that the post office delivered invisible packages.   So, quite naturally,  I was upset.  I called to find out where the package was.  They responded with the unusual, "We will do an investigation and let you know".  Needless to say, they claimed to have put it in my mailbox (the one that requires a key). Now, I hate to say this BUT somebody is not being truthful and it is not ME!      Next step was to call the store itself to inform them of the matter at hand. OMG! They no longer have my product in stock!!😡😡😡  Anger Mode!!!  SMH.  Pay for Jersey,  JERSEY STOLEN and now, there are no more in stock. This suuuuucks.  But, the good thing

Took it waaaay backfpr this meal? Wayback Burger. Temporary Food Post

Wayback Burger      I try really hard to eat right!  As a nurse, I know all about fat, cholesterol and heart attacks.  The sum of its parts equal a whole. Right?       As I runner, I know better.  To be an efficient 🏃 requires a healthy diet!  Every time I finish a race and see my time, I tell myself the next race will be better.  But, it happens.  Food calls me.  I'm not talking about the healthy stuff.       Funny this is, after a workout, my body goes into eat mode.  On this particular day, I went to Wayback Burgers.  I bought the Triple Triple for my brother and the cheesy burger for me.        Let's talk about the Triple Triple.  That is a 9 Tier burger.  Did you hear me? 9 beef patties with a bun.  I must admit their burgers are ROCKING!! My brother tried to devour that burger but ummmm No! The burger won.  Waybackburgers are a better quality burger than other fast food restaurants such as 🍔 king.  The Triple Triple burger was approximately $17.00.  

Monday Motivation. Pep talk for the week.

Monday Motivation      It is said that art is the imitation of life. What picture are you painting? Are you a mural of love?   Is your aura so potent that others want to emulate?  Be the paradigm of love and hope.  Beseige hate of all realms, even that which resides within you.  Let your fears wither . So that your that your soul blooms,  exuding peace and strength.  I am praying for everyone in that they will have a very productive week.  May you surpass all your goals! I pray for your safety and an overall abundance of health, peace and kindness.  Your biggest subjugation may actually be you.  Get your thoughts together.  Think positively . Be well. Peace, Love and Blessings! 

Are your Hands causing death? You may be. Hepatitis A Breakout

Are Your Hands Causing Death?      Runners love their volunteers but what exactly are they giving you? Is that fruit really healthy or is it contaminated?  Or better yet, when you eat out, is everyone cleansing their hands properly? Your answer should be Yes to both of these questions because if not,  you are putting your life and the lives of your family and friends  at a huge risk for illness or maybe even death.      I’m sure many of you have already heard of Hepatitis C.  Hepatitis C is a chronic disease of the liver.  But, what is Hepatitis A?  According to the WHO (World Health Organization), Hep A is a viral liver disease that is closely associated with unsafe water or food contaminated), inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene.      This is scary because as a runner, we rely on our volunteers.  Many of them are standing out there for hours, passing out food.  Some use the porta -a-potty just as the runners.  This makes one think about how effectively are they was