Kids Have All The Power

                     Kids Have All The Power

     While visiting an elementary school, I overheard a student say, "Adults have no power, kids have all the power".  I asked him what he meant by that.  He felt that because teachers are not allowed do anything to them if they act out, teachers have no power. When I was coming up, schools were allowed CORPORAL PUNISHMENT .  I was hit for coloring outside the lines.😣😣😣  Needless to say, I was happy when CORPORAL PUNISHMENT was taken out of schools!  Wow, this young man was no older than twelve. Many teachers do feel as if they are in a Catch 22.  Some say to tell a parent their child is not doing well or is misbehaving is like signing up for a war.  Some report that many parents become easily upset with them and even believe that the teacher is the problem.   Why can't teachers talk to Parents? Is this due to so many "babies having babies"?  Do you immediately upset when a teacher is giving a not so nice report?  Have adults lost power?  Lastly, should CORPORAL Punishment return?

                 COMMENT BELOW


  1. No I don't think corporal punishment should come back. But I DO believe parents should be called and take action when teachers advise them of their child's behavior. Parents also shouldn't take offense to a teacher taking time to call them.

    1. Thanks for joining the convo. Many teachers express they try to call/contact the parents but are met with anguish and disbelief and sometimes vulgarity. It's sad. Teachers keep trying to reach out to parents hoping one day they will listen. Meanwhile, the child continues to under perform, talk back and etc...SIIIGGHH.


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