So, you think you are raising a respectful child? Think again!

SO, You think you are raising a respectful child?  THINK AGAIN

     I recently took a break from nursing and started substitute teaching.  I mean why not, I love children.  Hunty!! Listen, Get yo Chile! Get some tea while you are at it and sit down because we need to chat! I went into a first grade class room feeling like these are the ones I would have a greater impact on.  They are corrigable at this age right? RIGHT??  🤤🤤🤤

     The day started out well.  I was able to follow the curriculum somewhat.  By noon, I swore they were sundowning.😁😁. They would not listen for NOTHING!  Most adults would say... "They are six and seven year olds".  This is true.  However, times are a changing.  I will tell you why.

     I used to be afraid for any adult to call my parents because there was sure to be some type of reprimand.  When my parents said, "Close your mouth when adults are speaking", they meant it.  Something about that village, it kept children in line! To this day, I believe it takes a village to raise a child.  If teachers as well as substitute teachers are not in your village, why are you sending them to school?
     It should not be a battle to get a child to close their mouths.  I asked an older child what is the difference between a substitute and the regular teacher.  He replied that the regular teacher would call home. Whaaaaat????
     Somewhere along the way, we are losing our children. Listening is one of the first aspects learned in life.  As an embryo, you can hear.  Parents you send your children to school to learn. Teach them early on how to listen. Like reading, listening is fundamental.   You do not want your child stigmatized.  You don't want your child to stigmatize you because guess what; The Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.  Yes, I said it. Your child represents you.  You know as an adult that your reputation will follow you.  Once your child is locked into that label; hard headed, loose lipped, GROWN, it won't be long before they are categorized.
     Children today do not fear their parents or any adult for that matter.When you send your child out that door remind them how much you love them and warn them not to let any adult call your home.  You have to be very distinct when talking to children. lol.

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