Giving Birth to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


     JANE, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?  A coworker came to me and stated, "I feel I have to talk to these supervisors so that I can use it as ammunition if they try to fire me".  She reports the supervisor making advances to her.  However, it's not reported to HR nor a union representative.  It is then undocumented sexual harassment.
     Jane, what you are saying doesn't explain anything.  Well keep reading.  This employee has only been employed for this corporation for two years.  Meanwhile, the manager has ten or more years with this corporation.   How many were there before her and how many will there be when she leaves?  
     This the multiplication process.  Many women remain quiet for fear of losing their jobs.  Meanwhile, the manager's ego is getting larger than life.  Her unwillingness to report him has created a vestibule for him to enter, plant his seed and grow.He is completely aware of his power and position within the firm.  He knows the type of women he can lure into his chambers.  They are the young, fertile and whom he perceives as naive.  It's not about her beauty.  It's about his power.  The more women he conquers leads to a greater loss of respect for women that are choosing to stand their grounds.  
     So what's the solution Jane? At the end of the day, she has to eat! My solution is that we develop an intolerance much like when women get pregnant and can not eat certain foods.  Go ahead and vomit. Expel all that toxic thinking.  Replace it with nutrients by reading up on workplace policies that FORBID retaliation for reporting sexual harassment.  Education is nutrient replacement.  



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