Say what, a SEX ALLERGY?

It's been awhile! You've finally found your mate. Just looking at him gets you aroused. He makes you drip. Lol Now, you are tired of holding out and want to test the water. You do and it is great. Then, you notice you're itching. You nix it. You keep having sex and every time you are itching afterwards and you start to notice a burn. You go to the doc's office and he says, "You're allergic to him". You turn your head, give him the side eye, and that Gary Coleman, "What you talking about Doc"? He states you may have a allergy to his seminal fluid. You're bummed because you really like him but there can be no more of that "GOOD GOOD".😂 Yes, there is a such thing as a sex allergy. According to the article, "Genital Contact Allergy: A diagnosis missed", Human seminal plasma HYPERSENSITIVITY is defined as a spectrum of systemic and or localized symptoms after exposure to specific proteins in sem...