

ANGER ON THE NET       Anger is an emotion.  At some point,  everyone will feel this way. No one is exempt.  It's how you cope or deal with the anger that sets you apart from all others.        Last week, I ordered a Jersey from an online store.  Then, I received an email stating my product had been delivered.  NO ONE informed me that the post office delivered invisible packages.   So, quite naturally,  I was upset.  I called to find out where the package was.  They responded with the unusual, "We will do an investigation and let you know".  Needless to say, they claimed to have put it in my mailbox (the one that requires a key). Now, I hate to say this BUT somebody is not being truthful and it is not ME!      Next step was to call the store itself to inform them of the matter at hand. OMG! They no longer have my product in stock!!😡😡😡  Anger Mode!!!  SMH.  Pay for Jersey,  JERSEY STOLEN and now, there are no more in stock. This suuuuucks.  But, the good thing

Took it waaaay backfpr this meal? Wayback Burger. Temporary Food Post

Wayback Burger      I try really hard to eat right!  As a nurse, I know all about fat, cholesterol and heart attacks.  The sum of its parts equal a whole. Right?       As I runner, I know better.  To be an efficient 🏃 requires a healthy diet!  Every time I finish a race and see my time, I tell myself the next race will be better.  But, it happens.  Food calls me.  I'm not talking about the healthy stuff.       Funny this is, after a workout, my body goes into eat mode.  On this particular day, I went to Wayback Burgers.  I bought the Triple Triple for my brother and the cheesy burger for me.        Let's talk about the Triple Triple.  That is a 9 Tier burger.  Did you hear me? 9 beef patties with a bun.  I must admit their burgers are ROCKING!! My brother tried to devour that burger but ummmm No! The burger won.  Waybackburgers are a better quality burger than other fast food restaurants such as 🍔 king.  The Triple Triple burger was approximately $17.00.  

Monday Motivation. Pep talk for the week.

Monday Motivation      It is said that art is the imitation of life. What picture are you painting? Are you a mural of love?   Is your aura so potent that others want to emulate?  Be the paradigm of love and hope.  Beseige hate of all realms, even that which resides within you.  Let your fears wither . So that your that your soul blooms,  exuding peace and strength.  I am praying for everyone in that they will have a very productive week.  May you surpass all your goals! I pray for your safety and an overall abundance of health, peace and kindness.  Your biggest subjugation may actually be you.  Get your thoughts together.  Think positively . Be well. Peace, Love and Blessings! 

Are your Hands causing death? You may be. Hepatitis A Breakout

Are Your Hands Causing Death?      Runners love their volunteers but what exactly are they giving you? Is that fruit really healthy or is it contaminated?  Or better yet, when you eat out, is everyone cleansing their hands properly? Your answer should be Yes to both of these questions because if not,  you are putting your life and the lives of your family and friends  at a huge risk for illness or maybe even death.      I’m sure many of you have already heard of Hepatitis C.  Hepatitis C is a chronic disease of the liver.  But, what is Hepatitis A?  According to the WHO (World Health Organization), Hep A is a viral liver disease that is closely associated with unsafe water or food contaminated), inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene.      This is scary because as a runner, we rely on our volunteers.  Many of them are standing out there for hours, passing out food.  Some use the porta -a-potty just as the runners.  This makes one think about how effectively are they was

Short Tale Sunday: Micah's Honor

Micah”s Honors      Only eight years old but Micah is a brave soul.  She is good at taking matters into her own hands. But then she is eight and totally aloof to life’s dangers. A Glorious Morning   It’s 6:30 am and Micha is wide awake lying in bed.  She is not sleeping, just waiting for Mom’s morning call.  As soon as mom, Kia, walked into the room, Micah pranced out of bed.  She ran to mom, gave her a hug and said, “I can’t wait to see if I’ll get an award today”!  Kia just gazed and smiled at her little girl and replied, “Oh my prodigy child, I am so sorry I can’t be there but I can’t wait to see them”. Looking confused, Micah ran to get her dictionary to look up the word prodigy.  “Mom, don’t worry I will bring it home and tell you all about it”.  Micah hurried to get ready for school and waited patiently to mom to finished getting ready for work.  She was downstairs lying in front of the door with her head propped up on her book bad as if it was a pillow.  Kia could

Don't Fret Friday. Keys to get you thru today. Words to live by

       Don't Fret Friday      Ok Ladies and Gents,  you have made it to Friday! Yippie Yahoooeeee!! First lets be thankful to have made it to this day.  TGIF!! Someone will be upset I am praising God for another day . But, that's ok .  It's Don't Fret Friday!!      Go to work, smile at everyone!! Say hello to the enemy. Add some 😱 value to your enemy's life.  It's about taking back control over your happiness.  Remember,  "He that angers you control's you". If someone accidentally spills coffee on you, offer to buy you and her a cup.  What buy her a cup but...? Yes, because believe it or not, she is probably just as upset as you. Even if that person meant to do it, Don't Fret! She is not worth the sweat.      Guys, if your coworker steps on your fresh kicks, Peace it up! Heck, Give him a pound and hug. Shrug it off!!   Don't Fret! Let it Gooooooo.            Be safe and enjoy your day. Keep all demons at bay.  Don
BUBONIC PLAGUE: THEN AND NOW 📷: Courtesy of Alchetron      The Bubonic Plague, also known as “The Black Death”, was one of the most catastrophic diseases in history.  This disease originated in China in the 1800’s and lasted until 1959.  “Black Death” is known to have  spread to Europe killing 25 million people. It is believed to have caused 75 million deaths worldwide.   The illness eradicated entire cities, leaving no living souls.  Corpses filled the streets.  Mortality rates were high and occurred rapidly.  Historians believe that due to the high mortality rates, those living were forced to develop new ways in which to survive thus advancing technologically, economically and socially. These advancements led to the Renaissance of the 14 th Century. CAUSES      Plagues are caused by the bacteria, Yesenia pestis.  The bacteria infects small rodents such as rats and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected fleas. The Plague is categorized by the area in whi